Saturday, March 20, 2010 March...really?

I'm not taking a picture of the snow mind you...I'm taking a picture of all my hard work I did in the yard three days ago, getting ready for the spring!

Redneck Olympics...or Friday night date night?

there's really no way to explain all of this except to say, you just had to be there.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Reese is 9 Months Old

So, it's that time again already; Reese's monthly documentary. It's so much fun to see him learn new things everyday, he likes to "chase" the cats around the house (crawling of course, he thinks it's hysterical) the cats...not so much. He also has started to respond to commands or requests, sometimes it's heartbreaking because when you tell him no, he gets his feelings hurt (i think) he does the whole pouty lip and sad face thing. He also likes to make a guppy face and fish sounds, it's really funny because he only does it when you ask. He also likes to figure out ways to stand up, although his body doesn't always cooperate. Reese also likes breathe really heavy - he is practicing his Darth Vader for Halloween; he also likes to make dinosaur noises - ("rrraaaa, it's a pterodactyl") that's for you Smed! He loves to do his jumper chair to any song that has the word "jump" in it or "all the single ladies" - don't ask. I think his favorite thing to do is pretend he is on a horse, riding to the "William Tell Overture." If you stop singing it, he'll start trying to bounce on his own until you start singing again.

9 month photo shoot!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Reese's First Bike

He's just going to have to learn the hard way; this one didn't come with training wheels.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Warning: Not for the weak stomach!

What you do see: Gmom feeding Reese Peas.

What you don't see: Poppy teaching Reese "see-food"!