Saturday, February 26, 2011

"Congratulations [Ryan], it's a...squid."
Actually, the sonographer is 85% sure he's a boy; he wasn't the most cooperative during his photo shoot, but there is (I feel in my expert opinion) enough evidence to support the high probability of a baby brother for Reese.
(The top of his head is to the upper left of the picture and he is in the V pilates position with his feet to the the upper right corner of the picture).

Reese making the Yates face.


  1. Love Reese's facial response to his little brother. We're so excited to have another nephew (really we are)!!!! Let's go shopping! Keep up the pilates Paden, it will come in handy for volleyball.

  2. OK WHAT?!?! I am obviously behind on the latest news. SO excited for you guys!!!
